Welcome to the Leukemia/Bone Marrow Transplant Program of British Columbia
This website is intended to provide patients, families, physicians and health care workers with extensive information about the Leukemia/Bone Marrow Transplant Program of British Columbia.
Support Provided by the Program

Issues around coping and support – both emotional and practical aspects

Available resources for paitients and families

Information for stem cells and marrow donors

Cancer Management Guidelines

Our facilities, clinics and physicians

Our clinical research activities
At this time, the Program is only able to offer care to patients residing in Canada. International users may, however, find useful information which they can discuss with their physicians.
Our Team & Approach
A large multidisciplinary team provides care for leukemia/blood and marrow transplant patients. All of us have the goal of working with you to achieve the very best treatment for your disease. Get to know the members of the health care team.
The staff of the Leukemia/Bone Marrow Transplant Program believes in team approach to patient care. We also believe that the patient and family are a very important part of the team.


COVID Vaccine Information
Clinical Guidance on COVID-19 Vaccines for people with hematological malignancy at
any stage of treatment and/or who have undergone hematopoietic stem cell or CART cell therapy in the past 6 months
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New Technology Available!
UV light disinfection is now available in the hospital. These devices will rapidly disinfect staff personal items such as cell phones, ID badges, lanyards and keys.
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For Clinicians with a New Suspected Diagnosis of Acute Leukemia
For clinicians with a New Suspected Diagnosis of Acute Leukemia: The Clinical and Diagnostic Pathway for Adults with Acute Leukemia in BC.
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New Website Launch
We are proud to announce the launch of our new website. We have had a fabulous team working on getting our new website up and running, and we cannot thank them enough for all of their hard work.
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